
this is a no b.s. fitness blog

My brain is a continuum of fitnessesque thoughts; I tend to think a lot about how to improve my life through fitness, nutrition, recovery, and lifestyle changes. In the queenflex blog you will find all the random and insightful fitness ideas I’ve decided to jot down. This collection of articles is based on what I’ve read and what I’ve learned through trial-and-error. So go ahead, read some articles, drop a comment (or two), and work with me to become the person you’ve dreamt of being.

Some fun facts about this blog:

  • Born in Fall 2015 with the aim to promote fitness, motivation, and healthy lifestyles.
  • Built in Go using Hugo and hosted on Github
  • Coded and maintained in sublime text 2
  • All the articles are written by @lizmillerfit
  • Redesigned multiple times using various blogger templates before migrating to Hugo.


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Thanks for reading!

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