daily fitness must-haves

don't leave the house without your fitness gear!

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Stop right there. Yes, you. Did you forget something?

If you’re anything like me, you have a few staple items that you always leave the house with: wallet, keys, phone..(gum, ha)…check. But what about the fitness enthusiasts out there. It seems like we are always carrying around more random necessary things as we venture to work, the grocery store, or even the gym (gasp). So what things define you as part of the #fitfam? For me, I have a few staple items (other than those presented above) that seem to follow me wherever I go.

Fitmark Bag

About two months ago, I was in the market for a meal-prep/work/all-around bag to replace my kindergarten lunch box. I figured since I am now in the working world, I owe it to myself to look the part. It took me awhile to decide on a meal-prep bag; there are so many choose from–Six Pack Bags to Isobag to Fitmark to Target’s dollar deal. I originally started off with the Renee Tote from Six Pack Bags and as beautiful of a bag as it was when it arrived, I could barely fit my laptop or a book or anything (besides food) in it. Very disappointing to say the least. Instead of holding on to a $160 meal bag that I had no use for, I began some research into my next bag. In June, the TranSPORTer tote from Fitmark Bags came out in black. It has the ability to hold a Small BOX with two meal containers as well as serve as a full duffle bag. As soon as it arrived, I did a quick test for storage and usability, and the rest is history; I don’t leave my house without my TranSPORTer tote. Talk about the best of both worlds: store two-to-three meals, plus a laptop/books/drinks/workout clothes all in one bag. Wonderful! So to those of you out there looking for an all-around bag, I highly recommend taking a look at Fitmark’s products.

Notebook/Workout Log

Somehow I find myself listening to a podcast or reading an article or two and find myself jotting notes on random sheets of paper, only to lose those notes a week later. I decided to carry around a single-subject composition book along with my workout log so that I can keep all my fitness-related thoughts together in one place.

My workout logs have changed shape and form over the years of lifting. Most recently I’ve taken to designing my own workout log in iBooks based on my routine over a 12-week period. I include each workout, the respective exercises, sets and reps within a table, which makes it seamlessly easy to track progress and continuously work towards achieving a PR or goal. Check out my FREE downloadable workout training log template!

Lacrosse/Tennis/Yoga TuneUp Balls

You never know when you’ll have a trigger point or shooting shoulder pain. So why not be prepared with the right tools? Also since migrating to a stand-up desk, my feet and calves can use some extra love throughout the day. Plus, some days are just meant for fidgeting!

12 Gallon Water Jug

I never leave the house without my 12 Gallon water jug. While it probably looks silly to some, I’m always thirsty (especially in the Arizona heat), so I don’t mind that it becomes a conversation-starter in most social scenarios. Receive 10% off your order with the promo code “LIZ-R4T” for a 12 gallon hydrator on myprotein.com.

What are your daily must-haves? Do you use any of these items as religiously as me? Comment below!

Note: I do not represent Fitmark Bags in any way, shape, or form. The opinions of this article are strictly mine, and I have not been compensated to say anything written in this article about any of these staple items.

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