I Fell Off The Wagon

sometimes you just have to pick yourself back up

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Sometimes other things in your life take priority.
I’ve been absent on the queenflex blog for over a month, so this article is meant to fill you in on some life updates and changes to the queenflex blog. I’m back for the next 90-days with some exciting news. READ ON!

Competing - The Time is NOW

March 5th is the first day of the Alphalete 90-day challenge. Because this challenge was announced the end of January, I decided to stop my 20-week cut and use the 6 weeks leading up to the challenge to perform a reverse diet. I’d say that my reverse diet was very successful. I managed to maintain my weight of about 153 throughout the 6 weeks, while adding in addtional calories. My training has also been pretty successful. I completed two cycles of 5/3/1 and have transitioned into a hybrid-TLS & 5/3/1 program. Essentially, I am performing one to two compound movements at the beginning of my workout followed by a few isolation movements. I plan to continue this program throughout the 90-day challenge. The only thing I will be changing is my diet.

Current Nutrition & Weight

Right now I am maintaining on ~2050 calories. 154g Protein, 197g Carb, 78g Fat.

Week 1 of the challenge (starting tomorrow!), I will be dieting on 1650 calories. 154g Protein, 170g Carb, 35g Fat. I’ll be weighing myself about 3-4x/wk and adjusting these numbers based on how much weight I’m losing.

I track my macros using MyFitnessPal. Feel free to add me here ==> StrongLizLifts

I weighed in yesterday at 154.8 lb and will re-weigh myself tomorrow for the start of this challenge. It is my goal to lose 23-25 lbs during the 90-days and hit the low-130’s while maintaining as much muscle as possible.

Here’s my progress ticker. I’ll be adding it to the home page during this 90-day challenge.

A New Series is Born

I am concluding the “life on 5/3/1 series” and starting a new series to go along with the 90-day Alphalete challenge. If you’re not familiar with Alphalete, or Christian Guzman (founder), this challenge was created from previous “Summer Shredding” challenges that Christian completed over the past few years. This year the goal is to motivate and challenge others to complete the Summer Shred with Chrisitan and the best “transformations” will win prizes. When Christian made the announcement, he mentioned vlogging 90 videos in 90 days. (What a commitment!)

My plan is to document my progress at least once a week with a new article under the honorary QFB series, “Summer Shredding.”

Here’s the rough outline of things I’m going to be tracking and updating you on:

  • My current weight / lowest weigh-in
  • Bodyfat percentage
  • Measurements (waist, hips, thighs, chest, arms)
  • Macros (& if adjustments were made)
  • Challenges, Successes, and Life Updates

And I may throw in a few audio/video clips along the way.

I’m pretty excited to start this challenge because I haven’t competed in a challenge like this since 2014. I had pretty decent results from that challenge; however, this time my goal is to get as lean as possible for the sake of getting lean. I want to place top 10 in this challenge, and that’s exactly what I set out to do!

Watch out Christian Guzman, I’ll be bringing on the shreds, too!

Thanks queenflexers for the support. As always, drop a comment if you have any questions, and I’ll update you on my progress throughout these next 90-days!

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