playing catch up & being a better YOU

life on 5/3/1 - article 7

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I want to preface this article by saying that it’s going to be a little different than my previous articles. I’ve decided to try incorporating a short audio clip where I speak about a topic. Today’s topic is “being a better YOU”. I invite you to read the article, listen to the clip, and provide me some feedback about this style of content on my blog. Tell me what you think! The good, bad, and ugly! Let’s get to it…

I cannot believe how quickly time has flown on this life on 5/3/1 series. This week wraps up the first “cycle” of Wendler 5/3/1, and I’ve been deloading my workouts. Let’s just say I’ve been pretty sore due to the added hypertrophy work at the end of the workouts.

I will be starting up my next cycle of 5/3/1 on Saturday (Jan 14) with my favorite deadlifts.

today’s audio - being a better YOU

Today’s audio and article focuses on becoming a better you. In this clip I outline:

  • The things that make up a person
  • How to choose who your “friends” should be
  • Why making yourself a priority matters
  • How consistency and focus makes you successful

I invite you to take a listen to this clip when you need some encouragement or want something to listen to in the background while you’re working. (I know I do my best work when I have either music or a podcast on in the background.)

Without further ado, I present the first ever audio clip. Enjoy!

today’s ab workout (from the audio clip)

Here’s the ab workout that I performed:

1) Lateral Pallof Press (2 sets of 10 reps)

I like to do this exercise because it helps strengthen/stablize the obliques. I find that if I can handle weight in these positions, I can withstand heavier weights on my squats and deadlifts. The key to this exercise is performing it slowly and controlled. You do not want to be swinging around in this position.

2) Vertical Pallof Press (2 sets of 10 reps)

I perform this exercise for similar reasons as the lateral pallof press. For me, my abdominal/core routines are about balance, so when I train a muscle (not just abs), I try to hit it from varying angles. This makes for a more complete workout routine.

3) Decline Crunch (3 sets of 10 reps)

Decline crunches help strengthen the lower abs and lower back. Just be sure you are contracting your core and not swinging around in this position. Again, slow and controlled works best.

4) Hanging Leg Raise (4 sets of 12 reps)

While hanging abs help develop the lower core as well as decline crunches, because you’re hanging from a bar, you will also develop strength and stamina in your lats, shoulders, and arms.

5) Cable Crunch (3 sets of 20 reps)

The cable crunch is a workout I like to perform in order to develop strength in my core. I will only perform this exercise when I know my lower back is feeling strong and stable because this movement requires a lot of flexion. If you do have flexion-induced (back) pain, I wouldn’t recommend doing this exercise.


For those of you who like to track your workouts and are still using the paper/pen method, yet have an iPhone, I recommend taking a look at the StrongApp. I’ve logged over 200 workouts (and counting), and it makes it easier to progress with my lifts. Give it a go, and let me know what you think!

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