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Consider this the written version of Jake Owen’s, Real Life.
Do you ever have one of those days where you’re like “what just happened?!” or “where’s the undo button, ctrl-z!!!!?!”. Well, today was pretty much that for me. And while my nutrition and my lifting hasn’t been on point for any sort of regulated training program, I am still going to continue this series and make up for this [awful] first week of events.
Excerpt from Real Life
“Fall real hard, shake off the dirt
Pray to God, let’s make a deal
I guess it just got real
We get real low, we get real high
It ain’t all good, baby, but it’s alright
Real life”
sunday, dec 11
So yesterday, even though I was feeling better, I still wasn’t my usual, healthy self, so I missed my 5/3/1 deadlift workout. This is real life, so I’m not going to say what did happen when it didn’t, or what should have happened on some sort of ideal journey. No excuses.
It’s really unfortunate because I have grown to really love deadlifts, so missing yesterday’s session was a bummer. I planned on making up the session today, but it just didn’t happen. I woke up at about 9am, had some coffee, got back in bed, and then woke up at 2:30pm like WHAT?!. So that’s how my day went.
Now I’m sitting here with you guys writing this up and watching the Packers crush the Seahawks, while listening to Jake Owen’s, Real Life.
moving forward
Since we can’t go backwards, let’s talk about this upcoming week.
Monday (tomorrow), I have a rest day scheduled, but if I’m feeling well after work, I plan to do a 20 minute Ab workout followed by a 20 minute HIIT session. If not, then I will go home and rest. Nothing like capitalizing on the extra scheduled day off.
Tuesday, I hit squats! Looks to be pretty similar to last week’s split, with the working-set weight at 100 x 3, 115 x 3, and 130 at 3+. My goal is to hit about 15 squats at 130. Following the 5/3/1 squats, I will perform squats for 5 sets of 10 at 70 lbs and then Leg Curls for 5 sets of 10. I will end my workout with the 10-minute cool-down routine and call it a night.
Wednesday, I have week 2’s military press routine, which looks like this:

Screenshot courtesy of the Strength Standards
I am planning to use just the barbell (45 lbs) for the accessory 5 x 10, because it’s easier, and just more realistic for functional purposes. My chin-ups need some serious work, but I’ve been managing to hit about 10 sets of 5 reps. (Got to start somewhere!). Last week after hitting all 10 sets of chin-ups, I thought my shoulders were going to fall off, so I’m not sure if that much volume is really necessary to get better at chins. I may switch to assisted chin-ups for 5 sets of 10 just to reduce the post-workout soreness.
Thursday is an “optional” workout day for HIIT and Abs. I will plan to document my HIIT and Abs workouts sometime this week so you have a better understanding of the types of exercises I like to do!
Friday & Saturday are bench and deadlifts, respectively, and since I missed a 5/3/1 chest and deadlift workout from last Friday and Saturday, I will be completing those workouts using the planned numbers from last week.
More to come about the end of this week, as we get closer to those days, but there’s just an example of what’s to come in this “life on 5/3/1 series.”
If you like this series or want to see particular content, feel free to drop a comment below or tweet me @lizmillerfit. Until next time -QFB
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