a 10-minute cool-down routine

cool-down from a workout or relax before bed with this quick routine

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Oftentimes we overlook the cool-down routine as much as our warm-up routine. I think it has something to do with wanting to get to the exciting part of the workout and both warm-ups and cool-downs are “boring.” I used to think that these routines were a waste of time, but that was before I knew just how much benefit they provide the body. This article explains a quick, ten-minute recovery routine that you can do practically anywhere.

To get started, you will need the following things:

  • Stopwatch or Timer
  • A chair or something about 2-feet off the ground
  • Flat Surface
  • Music (optional)

This routine is a circuit of four different exercises that are best performed post-workout or at a time when you want to “relax.” They are taken from the exercises recommended by Maraynn Berry’s article, “5 Simple Exercises to Eliminate Neck Pain.”

Don’t be alarmed. You don’t need to be experiencing neck pain in order to do these exercises! I find that this condensed version allows my body to “reset” and “relax” especially after a heavy lifting session. This routine is especially beneficial for desk jockies because it promotes proper posture from the neck, through the shoulders, down to the hips and adductors.

For each exercise in this routine, you will hold the position for two minutes. There are five exercises total, therefore, ten-minutes of “working” time for this routine. I recommend you read through the exercise, and then give them a try! Let’s get started.

Exercise 1: Static Back:

  1. Lay on the floor with your legs propped up on a chair or object 2-feet tall.
  2. Your legs should be at a 90-degree angle to your hips.
    Hold this position for 2 minutes.

Exercise 2: Static Scapular Extension:

  1. Start on all fours, ensuring that your wrists are directly under your shoulders.
  2. Walk your hands about 6-inches in front of the starting position.
  3. Shift your hips forward so that your weight and shoulders are over your wrists.
  4. Keep your elbows straight and allow your shoulder blades to sink down.
  5. Let your head hang. Release any tension in your neck and mouth.
    It will be challenging, but try to hold this position for 2 minutes.
    While it seems counter-intuitive to hold this position, since we spend most of our day in a slouched over position, this exercise moves the scapula into extension, promoting realignment to the shoulders.

Exercise 3: Repeat Exercise 1, Static Back.

Hold this position for 2 minutes.

Exercise 4: Wall Hold:

  1. Sit on the floor with your back and head against a wall.
  2. Pull your shoulder blades together and down.
  3. Rest your legs straight out in front of you.
  4. Flex your quads. Flex your feet towards your body.
    Hold this position for 2 minutes.

Exercise 5: Static Adductor (Frog):

  1. Start in a seated position with the bottoms of your feet touching each other (a.k.a. butterfly position). Make sure that your feet are aligned with the center of your body.
  2. Lie back and relax every muscle in your body.
  3. Put your arms at a 45-degree angle to your sides with your palms facing up.
    Hold this position for 2 minutes.


Give this routine a try after your next workout or before bed. After a week of doing this routine, it’ll become second-nature and you’ll find that it helps with recovery and “resets” your posture.

What does your cool-down routine look like? Tweet @lizmillerfit with your tips and tricks for improving recovery.

Additional Resources for Prehab, Rehab, and Recovery:

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