tried and true warm-up routine

get your body and mind in the right space before lifting

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I never really had a consistent warm-up routine until I struggled to come back to the sport of lifting after a lower-back injury. Had I properly warmed up prior to lifting each session, I might not have suffered the injury in the first place. I treat warm-up routines as a method of injury prevention and will not start the warm-up sets with a barbell until I feel completely warm and ready to lift - both physically and mentally.

This article outlines my 10-15 minute warm-up routine that I like to perform before any of my compound lifts (squat, bench, press, deadlift). There are some slight variations depending on the movement I am performing, but at the heart of the routine are four key movements.

Before I jump into outlining the routine, I want to explain a few principles of what and why I picked certain movements. The exercises given below are a combination of my lower-back rehabilitation program as well as functional movements to help promote the proper motor patterns prior to performing a key lift with weights.

I’ve found that if my muscles are warmed up and my body has performed the movement with bodyweight or lighter weights, I am not as worried or concerned to go heavier because I’ve already activated the targeted muscle group and practiced proper form.

These exercises are performed for as many reps and sets as needed depending on how I feel. So if I feel especially stiff or sore in a particular area, I may spend more time warming up. That’s the neat thing about warm-ups, you’re warming up for that particular session, so be sure to listen to your body and make sure you’re getting what you need to have a successful training day.

queenflex warm-up routine

1) Shoulder Dislocation Mobility Drill: grab a band or a pipe and perform 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.

2) Kettlebell Bottoms-Up Carry: grab a 15-25lb kettlebell and perform 2-4 sets of 50-100 ft walks per arm.

3) Kettlebell Arm Bar : grab a 15-25lb kettlebell and perform 1-2 sets of 10 reps per arm.

4) Back Extensions: (weighted or bodyweight) I like to do 2 sets of 12 reps of the weighted back extensions (machine or plate) as well as 2 sets of 12 standing back extensions. Some days I may even throw in a third round of bodyweight back extensions on the back extension bench.


Back Extension Machine:

Back Extension Bench:

5) Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift : I like to perform these movements on squat and deadlift days to help activate the glutes. Perform 2-3 sets of 10 reps with a 50-75lb dumbbell.

Before deadlifts or squats, I will throw in a few sets of kneeling leg curls to warm up my hamstrings.

This list is relatively short, but as I said above, if I feel tightness in a particular muscle group or bodypart, I will pick a movement and perform a few sets to warm-up that area.

To make things easier for you, I’ve included a printable version of this list.

Click here for the printable version

What do you do for your warm-up routine? Comment below with your favorite exercises. Until next time -QFB

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