lessons from stronglifts

stronglifts 5X5 - article 4

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Article 4

Let’s just say StrongLifts and I have a LOVE-HATE relationship these past 2 weeks. I’ve seen some major strength gains for bench press (up to 110# 5X5); however, I’ve had to reduce the volume of my deadlifts and barbell rows due to low back fatigue and stiffness.

I think this program is very strenuous on the body and ample recovery is necessary in order to progress by at least 5 lbs each session. I also have never continuously followed a “strength building” program, where increased volume is a priority. I honestly can say that I LOVE this way of training because it forces you to give everything you’ve got and leaves you feeling extremely “dead” afterwards. It’s an addictive feeling, and I’m growing to love every training session just a little more. It’s become more about ME vs. ME as opposed to ME vs everyone else.

Let’s pause a moment and discuss appropriate nutrition for StrongLifts 5X5. You must eat on this program. Let me repeat:


If you do not fuel yourself appropriately for these workouts, you will not be able to give the lifts 100% effort. You’ll pretty much feel like crap and want to writher up and die. Now that’s a bit of an exaggeration; however, YOU MUST EAT if you want to hit PR’s and advance your lifts. To do this, it’s very suitable to load carbohydrates around your workout. 2:1 carbohydrates-protein ratio is fine. I typically have my pre-workout meal about an hour to an hour and a half prior to lifting. My post-workout meal (PWO) is directly after I cool down/stretch and consists of 2:1 fast-digesting carbs (sugars) to fast absorption whey protein isolate. I am also working to become more consistent with taking 5g of Creatine Monohydrate PWO to help with muscle recovery and carbohydrate absorption. For an example of a typical day-in-the-life of Liz, check out my MyFitnessPal diary, here.

Another thing to consider when doing any sort of strength building program is recovery. You must allocate rest days on this program. Again, let me repeat:


Recovery days are CRITICAL on this program. If you never rest, you’ll never recover, and therefore, you’ll never feel “ready” to increase your lifts. You’ll be in a continual state of soreness, and trust me, it’s not fun. Give yourself extra days to recover if you’re feeling worn out. You’ll feel better and be mentally ready to give it your all in the gym. Remember, heavy, high-volume workouts are tearing your body down. You need time to allow your body to fix the tears and build new tissues and blood vessels to support muscle growth. Do yourself a favor and rest.

All and all, StrongLifts has given me a platform to start off my strength training and a flexible plan to meet my weight training goals. I highly recommend jumping in and giving it a try.

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