stronglifts results: strength and muscle growth

stronglifts 5X5 - article 3

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Article 3

The last two weeks on the StrongLifts program have been both rewarding and extremely challenging. Between Christmas, New Years, and traveling with family, as well as keeping up with my Eat To Perform numbers, I added about 20 lbs to my Squat and hit PRs on DeadLifts and Bench.

Each workout is increasingly difficult and recovery and pre-workout nutrition are key to having successful sessions. It’s safe to say I finished 2015 with a bang, and certainly look forward to the remaining two-thirds of the StrongLifts [starter] program. I plan to reassess my goals and progress in early March to determine whether or not I want to continue StrongLifts for another cycle or to try something new.

today’s workout - day a: squat, bench, row

My lifts today; however, were slightly off, ringing in the new year with a less-than-perfect workout. I missed all my working sets 5X5 for Squats and Rows due to lower back instability and fuzziness. Instead I hit a PR on bench for 5X5 and proceeded to work on my posterior chain mobility and flexibility. Some of my favorite mobility workouts are from Kelly Starrett of mobilityWod. This video and this one are my go-to’s when I’m having lower back instability or hip tightness. I highly recommend checking out the mobility project for improving overall mobility and health while building strength and muscle.

next steps

Moving forward…I’m planning to give myself the weekend off and start back up on Monday (1/4/16) with Day B. While a disappointing start to the new year, I am very happy with my overall progress on this program and have never been more excited to work out. Even though the exercises are the same, each routine feels different because it is all about trying to increase volume through an increase in weight over 5 sets of 5. I have no doubt that I will be on my way to hitting 225# squat and deadlift and 145# bench in 2016!

There it is. Short and sweet. Until the next update… Lift Heavy, -QFB.

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